1950 Nationality Law

One step forward, two steps backward

By William Wetherall

First posted 1 April 2006
Last updated 1 June 2011

Postwar legal hierarchy   New priorities in the order of revising Meiji laws
1950 Nationality Law (Law No. 147) Partial degenderization of civil code ended derivative nationality
Promulgation Revision history Purpose By birth Naturalization Loss Renunciation Supplementary provisions
1952 revision (Law No. 268)   Changed "Attorney General" to "Justice Minister"
1950 Enforcement Regulation (Ordinance No. 69)   Abolished 1873 and 1899 provisions for derivative nationality

See 2009 Nationality Law revisions for the current law.

Significance of order of postwar legal reforms

The order in which Meiji laws evolved reflects their political priority rather than their eventual legal hierarchy. The Family Registration Law came first because it was the princple tool for nationalizing the populations affiliated with the prefectures and other territories of Japan's sovereign dominion. Even today, the Family Registration Law continues to be the fundamental law of the land, in the sense that is the foundation of so many other laws.

The order in which laws were revised and promulgated in postwar Japan, however, reflects their legal hierarchy. First to be revamped was the Constitution, followed by the Civil Code, then the Family Registration Law, and finally the Nationality Law.

The Alien Registration Law came after the signing of the San Francisco peace treaty and was promulgated on, and enforced from, its date of effectuation on 28 April 1952. The ordinance concerning the nationality disposition of former Japanese subjects with principal registers in Chosen, Taiwan, and Karafuto and Chishima -- all lost by the treaty -- was also timed to take effect from this date.

Changes brought about by the 1950 Nationality Law

Changes brought about by the 1950 Nationality Law represented both (1) "progress" in terms of comporting with both contemporary changes in international trends in nationality law and postwar revisions in domestic family law, and (2) "retreat" in that a number of liberal options provided by the 1899 law were eliminated.

Whereas the 1899 law spoke of being a "Nihonjin" (Japanese), the 1950 law referred to being a "kokumin" (national) of Japan.The term "kokumin" was not new to Japanese law, but as it had become the term to define the people who had gained popular sovereignty in the 1947 Constitution, it naturally became the standard legal reference to persons who were members of a family register affiliated with Japan's sovereign dominion, which is taken to be tantamount to possession of Japan's nationality.

One of the most substantial changes in the 1950 Nationality Law concerned the naturalization of foreigners who married Japanese. Under the 1899 law (which continued the provisions of the 1873 Great Council of State proclamation on marriage with foreigners), as in most nationality laws at the time, women who married foreigners automatically gained their husband's nationality while losing their native nationality. The 1950 law, reflecting the global movement to allow women to chose whether or not to change their nationality upon marriage to a foreigner, required foreign women who married Japanese men to naturalize if they wished to become Japanese.

The 1950 law also did away with the provision of the 1873 proclamation (continued under the 1899 law) which allowed a foreign man to become Japanese through adoption as a son-in-law [mukoyoshi] or as an incoming husband [nyufu]. Foreign husbands, too, would henceforth have to naturalize if they wanted to be Japanese after marriage to a Japanese woman.


1950 Nationality Law showing 1952 revisions
Partial degenderization and end of derivative nationality

Japanese text

The Japanese text is from various web sources, vetted against two sources: (1) Tashiro Aritsugu, Kokusekihō chikujō kaisetsu [An article by article commentary on the Nationality Law], Tokyo: Nihon Kajo Shuppan, 1974 (pages 842-844), and (2) Homusho Nyukoku Kanri Kyoku, Horei Kenkyu Kai (editors), Jitsumu Roppo: Shutsunyukoku kanri, gaikokujin toroku: chukai hanrei, Tokyo: Nihon Kajo Shuppan, 1980, 2nd printing 1981 (pages 322-323)

English translation

The received English translation of the 1950 Nationality Law as first promulgated is from Helen M. Uno (editor), The Japan Yearbook, 1949-52, Tokyo: The Foreign Affairs Association of Japan, 31 August 1952 (Appendix, pages 209-210). The text in Eibun Horei Sha's EHS Law Bulletin Series (Tokyo, 1975), EHS Vol. I, AI, No. 1012, Nationality Law, pages I (AI 1) - I (AI 4) is essentially the same as the yearbook text, except that the EHS text reflects the 1952 revision which changed the name of the office of the competent minister.

Structural translations

Only the Japanese text has legal standing. The received translations, while useful as general guides, are likely to misrepresent Japanese legal usage and at times are either misleading or incorrect. Accordingly, I have structurally retranslated some of the articles for the purpose of commentary.

Structural translations

My translations of selected parts are shown in blue. These translations appear either adjacent to or below the Japanese text and received translations.

See the articles under "Translation standards" in the Legal terminology section of the "Glossaries and almanacs" feature of this website for a close look at the problems that plague translations, especially those appearing on MOJ's "Japanese Law Translation" website.


Revisions are shown by overstriking the old text and highlighting the new text and showing the date of the revision in [square brackets] following the new text.


In the Japanese text and all translations, I have highlighted words and phrases selected for commentary as follows.

Green = appropriate
Purple = problematic
Red = incorrect





       内閣総理大臣 吉田 茂


Nationality Law

[We] hereby promulgate the Nationality Law.

   Imperial seal [Hirohito]
     Showa 25-5-4 [4 May 1950]
       Prime Minister of the Cabinet Yoshida Shigeru

Law No. 147
(Kanpo gogai 41)
施行 昭和二十五年七月一日 Enforced from 1 July 1950


Enforcement and revision history through 2009









Nationality Law

Law No. 147 of 1950 (4 May)
Enforced from 1 July 1950

As amended by

Law No. 268 of 1952 (31 July)
Enforced from 1 August 1952

Law No. 45 of 1984 (25 May)
Enforced from 1 January 1985

Law No. 89 of 1993 (12 November)
Enforced from 1 October 1994

Law No. 147 of 2004 (1 December)
Enforced from 1 April 2005

Law No. 88 of 2008 (12 December)
Enforced from 1 January 2009


Purpose of law
この法律の目的 Purpose of this Law
Article 1
The conditions necessary for being a Japanese national shall be determined by the provisions of this Law.


Acquisition of [Japanese] nationality birth
出生による国籍の取得 Acquisition of Nationality by Birth

  一  出生の時に父が日本国民であるとき。
  二  出生前に死亡した父が死亡の時に日本国民であつたとき
  三  父が知れない場合又は国籍を有しない場合において、母が日本国民であるとき。
  四  日本で生まれた場合において、父母がともに知れないとき、又は国籍を有しないとき。
Article 2
A child shall, in any of the following cases, be a Japanese national:

  (1) When, at the time of its birth, the father is a Japanese national;
  (2) When the father who died prior to the birth of the child was a Japanese national at the time of his death;
  (3) When the mother is a Japanese national in case the father is unknown or has no nationality;
  (4) When both parents are unknown or have no nationality in a case where the child is born in Japan.


[Acquisition of Japanese nationality by] naturalization
帰化 Naturalization
第三条 [改正 1]

2  帰化をするには、法務総裁 法務大臣 [1952] の許可を得なければならない。
Article 3 [Amendment 1]
One who is not a Japanese national (hereinafter referred to as "an alien") may acquire Japanese nationality by naturalization.

2. The permission of the Attorney-General Minister of Justice [1952] shall be obtained for naturalization.
第四条 [改正 1]
法務総裁 法務大臣 [1952] は、左の条件を備える外国人でなければ、その帰化を許可することができない。

  一  引き続き五年以上日本に住所を有すること。
  二  二十歳以上で本国法によつて能力を有すること。
  三  素行が善良であること。
  四  独立の生計を営むに足りる資産又は技能があること。
  五  国籍を有せず、又は日本の国籍の取得によつてその国籍を失うべきこと。
  六  日本国憲法施行の日以後において、日本国憲法又はその下に成立した政府を暴力で破壊することを企て、若しくは主張し、又はこれを企て、若しくは主張する政党その他の団体を結成し、若しくはこれに加入したことがないこと。
Article 4 [Amendment 1]
The Attorney-General Minister of Justice [1952] shall not permit the naturalization of an alien unless he or she fulfills all of the following conditions:

  (1) That one has had a domicile in Japan for five or more years consecutively;
  (2) That one is twenty years of age or more and a person of full capacity according to the law of his or her home country;
  (3) That one is a man or woman of upright conduct;
  (4) That one has property or ability enough to lead independent living
  (5) That one has no nationality, or one's acquisition of Japanese nationality will cause one to lose one's nationality;
  (6) A person who, since the enforcement of the Constitution of Japan has never plotted or advocated, or formed or belonged to a political party or other organization which has plotted or advocated the overthrow of the Constitution of Japan or the Government existing thereunder.
第五条 [改正 1]
左の各号の一に該当する外国人で現に日本に住所を有するものについては、法務総裁 法務大臣 [1952] は、その者が前条第一号に掲げる条件を備えないときでも、帰化を許可することができる。

  一  日本国民の夫で引き続き三年以上日本に住所又は居所を有するもの
  二  日本国民であつた者の子(養子を除く。)で引き続き三年以上日本に住所又は居所を有するもの
  三  日本で生まれた者で引き続き三年以上日本に住所若しくは居所を有し、又はその父若しくは母(養父母を除く。)が日本で生まれたもの
  四  引き続き十年以上日本に居所を有する者
Article 5 [Amendment 1]
With respect to an alien who falls under any one of the following items, and has presently a domicile in Japan, the Attorney-General Minister of Justice [1952] may permit the naturalization of the alien even when the said alien does not fulfill the condition mentioned in item (1) of the preceding Article:

  (1) One who is the husband of a Japanese national and has a domicile or residence in Japan consecutively for three years or more;
  (2) One who is the child of one who was a Japanese national (excluding child by adoption) and has a domicile or residence in Japan consecutively for three years or more;
  (3) One who was born in Japan and who either has a domicile or residence in Japan consecutively for three years or more, or has a father or mother (excluding father and mother by adoption) born in Japan;
  (4) One who has had a residence in Japan consecutively for ten years or more.
第六条 [改正 1]
左の各号の一に該当する外国人については、法務総裁 法務大臣 [1952] は、その者が第四条第一号、第二号及び第四号の条件を備えないときでも、帰化を許可することができる。

  一  日本国民の妻
  二  日本国民の子(養子を除く。)で日本に住所を有するもの
  三  日本国民の養子で引き続き一年以上日本に住所を有し、且つ、縁組の時本国法により未成年であつたもの
  四  日本の国籍を失つた者(日本に帰化した後日本の国籍を失つた者を除く。)で日本に住所を有するもの
Article 6 [Amendment 1]
With respect to an alien who falls under any one of the following items, the Attorney-General Minister of Justice [1952] may permit the naturalization of the alien even when the said alien does not fulfill the conditions mentioned in item (1), (2) and (4) of Article 4:

  (1) The wife of a Japanese national;
  (2) One who is a child (excluding child by adoption) of a Japanese national and has domicile in Japan;
  (3) One who is a child by adoption of a Japanese national and has had a domicile in Japan for one year or more consecutively and was a minor according to the law of its native country at the time of the adoption;
  (4) One who has lost Japanese nationality (excluding one who has lost the Japanese nationality after naturalization in Japan) and has a domicile in Japan;
第七条 [改正 1]
日本に特別の功労のある外国人については、法務総裁 法務大臣 [1952] は、第四条の規定にかかわらず、国会の承認を得て、その帰化を許可することができる。
Article 7 [Amendment 1]
With respect to an alien who especially rendered meritorious service to Japan, the Attorney-General Minister of Justice [1952] may, notwithstanding the provisions of Article 4, permit the naturalization of the alien with the approval of the Diet.


Loss of [Japanese] nationality
国籍の喪失 Loss of Nationality
Article 8
A Japanese national shall lose his or her Japanese nationality when he or she acquires a foreign nationality at his or her own wish.
Article 9
A Japanese national who has acquired a foreign nationality by reason of his or her birth in the foreign country shall lose Japanese nationality retroactively as from the time of birth, unless the Japanese national manifests his or her volition to reserve his or her Japanese nationality according to the provisions of the Family Registration Law (Law No. 224 of 1947).

Structural translation

Article 9
A Japan national who due to [because of] having been born in a foreign country has acquired the nationality of that country, due to [pursuant to] determinations of the Family Registration Law (Law No. 224 of 1947) will lose the nationality of Japan retroactive to the time of [the person's] birth, if [the person] has not indicated a wish to reserve the nationality of Japan.

第十条 [改正 1]

2  国籍を離脱するには、法務総裁 法務大臣 [1952] に届け出なければならない。

3  国籍を離脱した者は、日本の国籍を失う。
Article 10 [Amendment 1]
A Japanese national having a foreign nationality may renounce his or her Japanese nationality.

2. The renunciation of nationality shall be made by notifying to the Attorney-General Minister of Justice [1952].

3. One who has renounced his or her nationality shall lose Japanese nationality.


Procedures for naturalization and [Japanese] nationality renunciation
帰化及び国籍離脱の手続 Procedure for Naturalization and Renunciation of Nationality
Article 11
The application for permission of naturalization, or the notification of renunciation of nationality, shall be made by the legal representative in his or her behalf, in case the person who intends to become naturalized or renounce nationality is under fifteen years of age.
第十二条 [改正 1]
法務総裁 法務大臣 [1952] は、帰化を許可したとき、又は国籍離脱の届出を受理したときは、官報にその旨を告示しなければならない。

2  帰化又は国籍の離脱は、前項の告示の日から効力を生ずる。
Article 12 [Amendment 1]
The Attorney-General Minister of Justice [1952] shall, when he has permitted naturalization or accepted notification of renunciation of nationality, announce to that effect by public notice in the Official Gazette.

2. The naturalization or renunciation of nationality shall come into effect as from the day of the public notice under the preceding paragraph.
第十三 [改正 1]
第十二条に定めるものの外、帰化及び国籍の離脱に関する手続は、法務総裁 法務大臣 [1952] が決める。
Article 13 [Amendment 1]
Other than those provided for in the preceding two Articles, the procedures concerning naturalization and renunciation of nationality shall be prescribed by the Attorney-General Minister of Justice [1952].


Supplementary provisions
附則 Supplementary Provisions
1  この法律は、昭和二十五年七月一日から施行する。

2  国籍法(明治三十二年法律第六十六号)は、廃止する。

3  この法律の施行前従前の国籍法の規定によつてした帰化の許可の申請又は国籍回復の許可の申請は、この法律の規定によつてした帰化の許可の申請とみなす。

4  この法律の施行前従前の国籍法の規定によつてした国籍離脱の許可の申請は、この法律の規定によつてした国籍離脱の届出とみなす。

5  この法律の施行前日本に帰化した者の子で従前の国籍法第十五条第一項の規定によつて日本の国籍を取得したものは、第六条第四号の規定の適用については、日本に帰化した者とみなす。この法律の施行前日本国民の養子又は入夫となつた者も、また、同様である。

    法務総裁 殖田俊吉
    外務大臣 吉田茂
    内閣総理大臣 吉田茂
1. This Law shall come into force as from July 1, 1950.

2. The Nationality Law (Law No. 66 of 1899) shall be abolished.

3. The applications for permission of naturalization or the applications for permission of restoration of nationality made under the provisions of the old Nationality Law before the enforcement of this Law, shall be regarded as application for permission of naturalization made under the provisions of this Law.

4. The applications for permission of renunciation of nationality made before the enforcement of this Law under the provisions of the old Nationality Law, shall be regarded as the notifications of renunciation of nationality made under the provisions of this Law.

5. A child whose parent was naturalized in Japan prior to the enforcement of this Law and who has acquried Japanese nationality under the provision of Article 15 paragraph 1 of the old Nationality Law, shall be regarded as having naturalized in Japan with respect to the application of the provisions of Article 6 item (4). The same shall apply to one who, prior to the enforcement of this Law, was adopted by a Japanese national or became the incoming husband (nyufu) of a Japanese national.

    Attorney General Ueda Shunkichi
    Minister of Foreign Affairs Yoshida Shigeru
    Prime Minister of the Cabinet Yoshida Shigeru
附則 (昭和二七年七月三一日法律第二六八号) (抄) [改正 1] Supplementary provisions (Law No. 268, July 31, 1952) [Abridgment] [Amendment 1]
1  この法律は、昭和二十七年八月一日から施行する。 1. This Law shall come into force as from August 1, 1952.


1952 revision of 1950 Nationality Law

The 1950 Nationality Law was slightly revised from 1 August 1952 a few weeks after the end of the Occupation on 28 April. The revision reflected only a change in the title of the minister who oversaw the administration of the law.

The revision was effected by an article in a law that restructured the Attorney General's Office as the Ministry of Justice. This marked the third change in the name of the agency after the war.

From 15 February 1948, what had been the Shihōshō (司法省) or "Ministry of Justice" since Meiji 4-7-9 (24 August 1871) headed by the Shih#333; Daijin (司法大臣) or "Minister of Justice" since 1885, was replaced by the Hōmuchō (法務庁) or "Attorney General's Office" headed by the Hōmu Sōsai (法務総裁) or "Attorney General".

From 1 June 1949 the office was renamed the Hōmufu (法務府), because the title of the competent minister did not change. The English terms for both the office and the title of the competent minister also remained unchanged. This was the name of the office and the title of the competent minister when the 1950 Nationality Law was promulgated.

Then from 1 August 1952 the name of the office was changed to Hōmushō (法務省) in Japanese and "Ministry of Justice" in English, and the title of the compentent minister became Hōmu Daijin (法務大臣) or "Justice Minister".

1952 revision of 1950 Nationality Law (Law No. 268)
Changes "Attorney General" to "Justice Minister"

Japanese text

The Japanese text is from Tashiro Aritsugu, Kokusekihō chikujō kaisetsu [An article by article commentary on the Nationality Law], Tokyo: Nihon Kajo Shuppan, 1974 (page 844)

Only parts affecting the Nationality Law are shown.

English translation

The English translation is mine.

Law to amend part of the Attorney General's Office Establishment Law and others
Structural translation
Law to revise part of the Attorney General's Office Establishment Law and others

       内閣総理大臣 吉田 茂

[We] hereby promulgate the Law to revise part of the Attorney General's Office Establishment Law and others.

   Imperial seal [Hirohito]
     Showa 27-7-31 [31 July 1952]
       Prime Minister of the Cabinet Yoshida Shigeru

Law No. 268 (Kanpo Gogai 78)
[ 施行 昭和二十七年八月一日 ] [ Enforced from 1 August 1952 ]
他の法令の一部改正 Partial revisions of other laws and ordinances

3   国籍法 (昭和二十五年法律第百四十七号)
Article 37
In the laws and ordinances to the left change "Attorney General" to "Justice Minister".

3. Nationality Law (1950 Law No. 147)
附則 Supplementary provisions
この法律は、昭和二十七年八月一日から施行する。 This Law shall come into force from 1 August 1952.


1950 Nationality Law Enforcement Regulation

The 1950 Nationality Law was enforced through the Nationality Law Enforcement Regulation, Ministry of Justice Ordinance No. 69, which was promulgated on 22 June 1950 and enforced from 1 July 1950. This regulation specifically abolished the provisions made in the 1873 proclamation, and continued by the 1899 law, to allow foreigners to acquire Japanese nationality through adoption as a child or incoming husband.

1950 Nationality Law Enforcement Regulation
Amended through 1970

Japanese text

The Japanese text is from Homusho Nyukoku Kanri Kyoku, Horei Kenkyu Kai (editors), Jitsumu Roppo: Shutsunyukoku kanri, gaikokujin toroku: chukai hanrei, Tokyo: Nihon Kajo Shuppan, 1980, 2nd printing 1981, page 324.

English translation

The English translation is from Eibun Horei Sha's EHS Law Bulletin Series (Tokyo, 1975), EHS Vol. I, AJ, No. 1013, Nationality Law Enforcement Regulation, pages I (AJ 1) - I (AJ 2). I have corrected typographical errors but have not changed any of the phrasing or mechanical style. The translation, while accurate enough for general reference purposes, is linguistically substandard. It both corrupts the legal quality of the Japanese text, and reflects sociolinguistic prejudices inspired by contemporary English, not Japanese, usage.

Nationality Law Enforcement Regulation
EHS translation
Nationality Law Enforcement Regulation


[改正 1] 昭和二十七年八月一日法務省令第七号

[改正 2] 昭和四十五年四月二十二日法務省令第十四号
(Attorney-General's Office Ordinance No. 69, Jun. 22, 1950)


[Amendment 1] Ministry of Justice Ordinance No. 7, promulgated on, and enforced from, 1 August 1952.

[Amendment 2] Ministry of Justice Ordinance No. 14, promulgated on, and enforced from, 22 April 1970.
国籍法(昭和二十五年法律第百四十七号)第十三条の規定に基き、国籍法施行規則を次のように定める。 In accordance with the provisions of Article 13 of the Nationality Law (Law No. 147 of 1950), the Nationality Law Enforcement Regulation shall be established as follows:
帰化の許可の申請 [改正 1] Applications for permission for naturalization [Amendment 1]

2  国籍法第十一条の規定により法定代理人が本人に代わつて帰化の許可の申請をするときは、申請書にその資格を証する書面を添附しなければならない。
Article 1
Any person who desires to be naturalized in accordance with the provisions of Article 3 of the Nationality Law shall make application, through the Legal Affairs Bureau or the District Legal Affairs Bureau having jurisdiction over the area in which his residence is located, to the Minister of Justice for the permission therefor accompanied by such documents as are sufficient to prove that he is vested with necessary qualification for naturalization.

2. In case an application for permission for naturalization is made by a representative on behalf of the subject in accordance with the provisions of Article 11 of the Nationality Law, such application shall be accompanied by a document proving his competency therefor.
国籍離脱の届出 Notification of renunciation of nationality
国籍法第十条第二項の規定による国籍離脱の届出は、日本に住所を有する者にあつてはその住所地を管轄する法務局又は地方法務局を経て、外国に住所を有する者にあつてはその国に駐在する日本の大使、公使又は領事を経てしなければならない。 [改正 2]

2  届書には、左に揚げる書類を添附しなければならない。

  一  戸籍謄本
  二  国籍を離脱しようとする者が現に外国の国籍を有することを証するに足りる書類。

3  前条第二項の規定は、国籍離脱の届出に準用する。
Article 2
The notification of the renunciation of nationality under the provision of Article 10 of the Nationality Law shall be made through the Judicial Affairs Bureau or the District Judicial Affairs bureau having jurisdiction over the domicile place in the case of a person having the domicile in Japan, and through the Ambassador, Minister or Consul of Japan staying in the country in the case of a person having the domicile in a foreign country. [Amendment 2]

2. The application shall be accompanied by the following documents:

  (1) Copy of family register;
  (2) Documents sufficient to prove that the person renouncing the nationality is then in possession of a foreign nationality.

3. The provisions of paragraph 2 of the preceding Article shall apply mutatis mutandis to the notification of the nationality.
附則 Supplementary provisions
1  この省令は、昭和二十五年七月一日から施行する。

2  国籍法施行規則(大正十三年内務省令第二十六号)及び外国人を養子又は入夫と為さんとする者出願方の件(明治三十二年内務省令第五十一号)は、廃止する。
1. This Office Ordinance shall come into force as from July 1, 1950.

2. The Nationality Law Enforcement Regulation (Minister of Home Affairs Ordinance No. 26 of 1924) and the Ordinance concerning the Application for Permission for Adoption by a Japanese Parent of an Alien Child or for Marriage of a Japanese woman with an Alien who is to become her Incoming Husband (Nyufu) (Ministry of Home Affairs Ordinance No. 51 of 1899) shall be abolished.
附則 (昭和二十七年八月一日法務省令第七号) (抄) [改正 1] Supplementary provisions (Ministry of Justice Ordinance No. 7, Aug. 1, 1952) [Abridgment] [Amendment 1]
1  この省令は、公布の日から施行する。 1. This Ministerial Ordinance shall come into force as from the day of its promulgation.
附則 (昭和四十五年四月二十二日法務省令第十四号) (抄) [改正 2] Supplementary provisions (Ministry of Justice Ordinance No. 14, Apr. 22, 1970) [Abridgment] [Amendment 2]
この省令は、昭和四十五年十月一日から施行する。 This Ministerial Ordinance shall come into force as from October 1, 1970.
